North America Overlanding

Only three countries on this continent and they’re all pretty chunky so it’ll take us a while to get around them. We set off heading to Alaska so planning around seasons was critical, but that damned ‘rona virus and border closures got in the way…

day of the dead


We arrived in Oct 2018 expecting to stay 6 months but ended up staying a whole year. There’s a good reason why Mexico is many travellers’ favourite overlanding country. Click on the picture for a link to the Mexico story.


Our visit to Uncle Sam has been long overdue. There’s a lot to see and we have limited visa time. We’re stepping up the pace to fit as much as we can into our first six months. Click on the picture for a link to our State-side Story.


Land of the mountie and maple has been on our bucket list for years. We hadn’t expected it to be dominated by a long-term stay-cation in the Yukon due to Corona Virus, but it’s a great place to #staysafe!

overlanding vehcile insurance north america Overlanding Vehicle Insurance USA-Canada


September 2019 preparing to cross from Mexico into USA – our 47th country and definitely the most challenging so far in terms of planning and preparation. Click on the link for how we (eventually) managed to insure a non-North American vehicle in USA and Canada.

overlanding route map north america

North America Route Map

Click on the map for a link to our route across Mexico, USA and Canada.