ARB Compressor Air Dryer

When a compressor is operating, the moisture in the air condenses out. This can sit in the holding tank and also pass into the tyres when the moist air used for inflation.  High moisture content in the air of a tyre can heat-up in use and may lead to excessive increase in tyre pressure.  It can also shorten the life of any tyre pressure sensors.  I have also noticed the pressure gauges of the suspension air bags freezing in very cold weather.

I therefore decided to try drying the air from the compressor by installing an air filter/water separator (with auto drain) and a desiccant air dryer. These fit nicely between the compressor and the air tank inside our outside step enclosure.  I have also added a drain tap to the bottom of the holding tank. This allows any moisture that does get through the filter/desiccant to be drained manually if required. How I installed it can be seen below:

ARB compressor connected to air filter driers
ARB compressor with the cover off so you can see the pressure releif valve in place of the pressure switch

We now have clear dry air for our suspension air bags, inflating our tyres and running my air tools.

Additional modification to the compressor

Unfortunately, our ARB twin compressor has never held pressure and leaks the pressure out of the air tank. I therefore installed some time ago, a non-return valve between the compressor and air tank. This in turn meant that the pressure switch to control the compressor had to be moved to the other side of the non-return valve.

Another problem I’ve had is that despite having the compressor for just a few years, five relays have failed!  The original ARB relays lasted only a few months!  A few times the relay has stuck ‘on’ and the compressor continued running after the 150 psi switch had tried to turn it off!  This required the fuses to be pulled quickly before anything burst.  The ARB instructions for the compressor say there is a 180 psi safety valve, but I haven’t seen it and it’s not in the Parts Catalogue. To deal with this, I used the hole where the pressure switch was originally fitted in the compressor, to instal a 165 psi pressure relief valve which I believe is a sensible addition.

Finished installation
Drain tap on air tank

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