A random cross-section of snaps from our year in Africa. Happy days 🙂
- Robert the Rhino
- Tara’s Pool
- The turn-around point
- Retail opportunity
- No problems at this border!
- Cuthbert hits the tracks of Lesotho on ‘Operation Escape Easter’ 🙂
- National flower of Lesotho (for the brainy people, that’s Aloe Spiralis)
- Just in case you’re driving to Tokyo… a random sign-post in rural Lesotho
- Nice beach to relax whilst we ponder the Moz Options
- How old are we????
- Platjan border bridge
- Playing Tarzan in Chirinda Forest
- Remember Dr. Dolittle’s Pushmepullyou?
- The chase is on…!
- Really???
- Golden Gate – looks a bit like layer-cake 🙂
- Looks promising! View to wake up to from our bed in Cuthbert
- Doing the ladder this time!
- The disingenuously named: Champagne Valley
- We guess the line hadn’t been electrified when Young Winnie was here
- Now you see him…
- Actually the highest licenced pub
- Nice day on the road to Lesotho
- Not the conventionally expected scenery of northern Tanzania!
- As close as we got
- Inspecting the goods with the Chief Tea-maker
- Storm coming in over Lake Vic
- One of the neighbours in Mwanza
- Apparently a Tanzanian tradition – dancing with a bottle on your head!
- Christmas Fair – Mwanza-style at Lake Vic
- Held up by traffic – ‘total gridlock’ Zim-style
- Cuthbert rescuing the stranded mini-bus
- G&T by the Kunene overlooking Angola
- Hmmm. Think I could get this going again
- One of the many ‘skeletons’ on The Skeleton Coast – the unfortunate Zeila of Hangana
- No real relevance to the water filter, but maybe slightly more interesting!
- A brisk trot down ‘Dune 45’ – the sand was *&#$%ing hot!!
- Braai at Nossob Camp, Kalahari
- Yes… still a narrow track! The camera is level, it really was leaning that much!