- Country No.44 for Cuthbert
- Boaty’s maiden voyage
- Guatemala City Plaza
- Quirky stuff – Guate City
- Volcan Fuego venting – but what does an eruption sound like?
- Volcan Ipala. It’s extinct, but a great first night in Guatemala
- An alien monkey?
- View from a bat-cave
- Guate National Palace
- Quirky stuff – Guate City
- Antigua
- Someone takes this stuff home
- flower hats
- Antigua
- Selling stuff everywhere
- Volcano – they’re all around here
- Plaza
- Plaza
- Character stuff – everywhere in Antigua
- Plaza Showtime
- turrrdle
- Up the tower, looking for turtles
- Found a friend
- No shortage of pies in those days then!
- Macadamia nut pancakes – tasted even better than they look
- How long would you spend in here? 🙂
- Macadamia nuts
- An absence of water won’t stop us testing Boaty
- sdr
- Maya Worship
- A happy soul… making coffins
- Always venting
- Yellow’s popular
- Tikal
- Grazing in the plaza – Guate City
- Maya Party outfits
- Not-so-bright church
- Hot glass
- Bright churche
- Groovy clothes
- Faces of the War
- Drying maize
- Guatemala highlands
- The highest in Central America
- It’s high, but is it the highest?
- Orchidacious
- Elaborate
- Semuc Champey
- Semuc Champey – Like fake news… but not!
- Semuc Champey
- Semuc Champey
- Semuc Champey – Swimming in those pools!
- Cleaner-fish eating us alive
- Semuc Champey
- Muddy hike
- Teeny orchid
- A hot natural shower
- In Semuc Champey – don’t you just want to swim in those pools? 🙂
- Indiana Tuck
- The highest in Central America (allegedly)
- Muddy hike
- Under the falls
- Out in Boaty
- Caribbean Culture in Livingston
- Tikal
- sdr
- Hot waterfall into a cool pool
- Taking Boaty into the jungle
- mde
- sdr
- Caribbean arrival in Boaty
- sdr
- National Day, with vuvuzelas
- sdr
- Best sunsets we had in Guatemala
- Mist clearing over Tikal