A jumble of pics over our whole time in and out of Argentina between Nov ’15 and May ’16. For the full blog stories of the adventures in Argentina see Argentina Blogs.
- Grey day in Salta
- View from Cuthbert – last night in Argentina
- Cuthbert makes new friends in Salta
- Rainbow rocks
- Winching boulders
- A change of scene
- Cheesy intro to the Paleo-hotspot
- Marcus and Denise
- Chos Malal – halfway point on Ruta 40
- Not smudges on the lens – a steamy stream
- Steaming river
- Denis was here
- Getting a bit narrow for Cuthbert
- Cosmic ray catcher
- No ‘check-in’ accommodation options near here
- Nice camp-spot Potrerillos
- Cars queueing…and queueing
- Puente del Inca (Darwin woz ere)
- Sunrise at Aconcagua
- Mr Bird helps himself to an egg out of the nest 🙁
- Armadillo!
- Orca!
- A great deal of nothing!
- Mr Bird helps himself to an egg out the nest 🙁
- Armadillo!!!
- ‘Stuff-your-face-time’ Welsh style
- Valdes Salt Pans – but wait for Salar de Uyuni next year 🙂 !
- Orca!
- Elephant seals
- Wonder why it’s called the Casa Rosada? 🙂
- Street art – BA-style
- Gift from the Brits
- The not-quite flag-lowering ceremony
- Hail stones!
- A bit out of place in Zarate town square!
- En-route to Zarate – derelict industry
- Top deck: just squeezing under the Zarate bridge
- Reunion at the end of RN3 with Shipmate Phil
- Ushuaia Bay
- See… proof… homemade empanadas!
- Enough for a trouty snack
- Back to Ushuaia
- Vicunas – having a go!