Well this is a short and sweet update! Just in case you thought we’d frozen into the ice of a Canadian winter, you’ll no doubt be relieved to know that we’ve been enjoying the snow, skiing our socks off for a full season in Big White, British Columbia and we’ve recently acquired a cool new Starlink satellite internet gadget for Cuthbert…


Despite the on-going ‘rona virus restrictions and seemingly ever-increasing case-numbers in the Province, we’ve had an awesome season with the most amazing snow conditions. It wasn’t an ‘ops-normal’ kind of season, but the Big White staff managed the place really well, with sensible ‘rona virus precautions and we felt safe there.
Here’s our final stats for the 2020/21 overlanding-covid-ski-season for lock-down in Canada: between us we did a combined total of:
- 142 days skiing,
- 1,591 runs,
- covering 3,718 km,
- with max speeds of 68.9 kph and 94.6 kph (guess whose is which? 😂)

But hey… all good things come to an end. Big White has now shut the lifts and we’ve headed a short distance down to the warmth of the Okanagan valley with a new geeky accessory in Cuthbert…
Our latest (we think, very cool) news is that we’ve recently become proud parents of a shiny new Starlink satellite dish… yes, we’ve joined Elon Musk’s army of beta-testers for his new SpaceX Starlink satellite internet system. How exciting, eh?

Elon’s project remains a ‘work-in-progress’, but you can read all about it in our blog here: Starlink for Overlanders. Then… if you like the sound of it, want to leap-in head-first and install it in your rig, you can also read how geek-boy Marcus did the full Starlink installation in Cuthbert here (Installing Starlink in an RV).
What next?
What next? We’re not sure really. Luckily we don’t need to be anywhere by anytime and we don’t need to plan ahead. Due to Covid rules we can’t travel across to eastern Canada. So we’ll wander aimlessly and enjoy springtime in the beautiful countryside of this part of the country, doing all the recommended ‘stay-safe’ stuff. Then we’ll see what happens as the vaccine programme rolls out 🤔. Watch this space…