Category Archives: Overlanding General

9 Years Overlanding

Ever wondered what nine whole years of full-time overlanding looks like? Well read on… February 2023 is our nine year anniversary travelling. From Queretaro, Mexico we bring you our annual list of our geeky and not-so-geeky statistics, plus our latest map of 9 years overlanding route so far. Get yourself a cuppa, sit back and have a laugh at some of these little nuggets:

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8 Years Overlanding!

Ever wondered what eight years of full-time overlanding looks like? Well wonder no more. February 2022 is our eight year anniversary, so here’s our overlanding route map with a list of our geeky and not so geeky statistics.

So far in 2022 we’ve been mooching around the deserts of southern California, enjoying the sunshine and being shamefully slack on blog writing. A full update blog on our California dream will follow soon. In the meantime, get yourself a cuppa, sit back and have a laugh at some of these little nuggets:

map of overlanding routes
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Six Lessons of Overlanding Life

Overlanding puts a different spin on your world, causes you to think differently about ‘life, the universe and everything’. After seven years overlanding, we’re on a covid-induced hiatus in Canada, skiing our socks off through the winter. Yes folks… the struggle is real. But we can’t ski every day. On foggy days we get chance to ponder little overlanding nuggets like: why is it really so terrible to be a fast traveller? Is 15 minutes bartering with a third-world trader over $1 really time well spent? Will Officer Sanchez really arrest us if we don’t chip-in to his coffers? And why is orange jam called marmalade?

cuthbert in tanzania jungle
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